For Men

Plastic Surgery for men has dramatically increased in recent years and is now common in many parts of the world. We are able to offer a wide array of services to improve your appearance as a man.

Dr. Cha is one of Korea’s few licensed officer plastic surgeons in the world. He has served in the Korean military as an offer surgeon perfoming plastic surgery with the majority of those case having been men. Thus, he is amongst the most experienced doctors for men in Korea. He regular treatments men and the most common procedures for men that sees are:  

Surgical For Men


-Chin Augmentation




-Jaw Surgery

-Eyelid Surgery

-Calve Implants

Non-surgical For Men

-Non-surgical Face Lift & Tightening

-Non-surgical Rhinoplasty

There are many other procedures which Mina Plastic Surgery performs and Dr. Cha has a wealth of experience when it comes to surgery for men. Contact us today for more details!

Possible Treatments For Men